Quick Primer for E-Commerce Email Marketing Email marketing is still the queen of remarketing and ROI in digital marketing. Everybody is talking about Social Media. Yes, it is an amazing channel for interacting with your audience but email marketing still comes the first when it comes to reaching your ultimate goal – the conversion. Email …

Marketing Experiments: Conversion Heuristic Don’t be scared off by the ivy-league word, heuristic; it’s a fancy way of saying “enabling discovery.” Discovery is a perfect word because like discovery, conversion is a process. It’s a methodical process built on experience, execution, data, and roadmaps. One of the best roadmaps I’ve come across was created by …

How Your Business Starts with Search Before I started my own business, my mentor taught me one of the most important lessons in business: all businesses exist because of problems. If you aren’t solving problems and you’re in business, you have a big one hanging over your head. Which brings me to search; search is …

How to Align Business Goals with Your SEO Strategy Before you get started with your SEO campaign, it’s important to outline the process you will follow and the results you will incur when you adopt an SEO strategy. Strategic alignment around SEO allows you to benchmark, and set timelines around, your key performance indicators (KPIs). …

How Online Advertising Helps Validate Product Marketing So, you think you’ve found a problem that needs to be solved and are willing to take the plunge and present your solution. But will it work?. Business is a risk; if it wasn’t everyone would be doing it. For those that do, you quickly learn that the …